护理 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立大学



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Williston State College offers two different degree types in the 护理 Program.
冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院, 护理副学士课程通过全国护理联盟护理教育认证委员会(NLN CNEA)认证。.

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院通过远程教育提供的护理副学士学位课程获得了位于弗吉尼亚大道2600号的全国护理委员会护理教育认证联盟(NLN CNEA)的认证, NW, 华盛顿D.C. 20037. 电话202.909.2487.



达科他实用护理课程准备学生在注册护士的监督下作为执业护士(LPN)工作, 医生, 或牙医. LPNs perform acts utilizing specialized knowledge, 技能, and 能力 for people in a variety of settings (2003 ND Nurse Practice Act). 在医院找到工作, 养老院, 健康中心, 和诊所, as well as in a variety of other settings. This program of study leads to a Certificate. 项目完成后, 该个人有资格申请参加全国护士执业执照考试, as required by the North Dakota State Board of 护理 for licensure as an LPN. 毕业生可以申请联合学院的达科他护理副学士课程,或者将获得的许多学分转到另一所社区学院或大学. 达科他实用护理课程是由四所学院合作提供的:俾斯麦州立学院, 湖区州立大学, 波蒂诺达科塔学院, 和冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院.

Students in the practical nursing program will be required to attend summer semester. 参加要求在夏季学期出勤以毕业的课程的学生必须考虑额外的财务规划,以满足夏季学期的费用. 

Admission to the practical nursing program is on a competitive basis. The following must be met to be considered for admission:

  1. 被冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院录取.
  2. Possession of a high school diploma or equivalent with a 2.平均成绩5分或以上. If a student has completed 12 credits of college classes, the college GPA will be considered instead of high school GPA.
  3. 美国心脏协会或红十字会对医疗服务提供者进行心肺复苏术培训的证明.
  4. 学生必须至少完成ASC 093的“满意”成绩或“C”或更好,这样他们就可以准备进入数学103大学代数(或更高的数学课程)。, OR equivalent scores for EdReady/ACT/PLAN/SAT/COMPASS. (Math Skills Readiness must be completed within 5 years of application). 
  5. ACT综合成绩19分; or
    1. ACT/COMPASS/ASSET/Acuplacer/SAT test(s) with an equivalent score, or
    2. Successful completion of 12 credits of college courses with a mimimum GPA of 2.5
  6. 完成 ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) 得了45分.0%或更高.
  7. 最低累积GPA为2.50.
  8. 对于入学前完成的任何必修大学课程,该课程的成绩必须达到2分.0 (C) or higher, and nursing GPA for all completed required nursing courses must be 2.75或以上. 
    1. Anatomy and Physiology I and II with Lab (A&P II must be taken within the last 7 years)
    2. Introduction to Pharmacology (must be taken within the last 7 years) 
    3. 发展心理学 
    4. 心理学概论
    5. 作文我
    6. Other: Microbiology (required for ADN program)
  9. For those of whom English is not their native language (including international and/or U.S. 居民), 额外的语言能力要求必须通过托福考试或使用多邻国.
  10. 在进入课堂之前,所有学生都必须通过药物筛选考试和犯罪背景调查. 

Application instructions for admission to the Dakota 护理 Program may be obtained from www.dakotanursing.org. The 招生 committee will review the application and qualifications of each individual. Students will be notified in writing of their acceptance status. The number of students admitted will vary by location. 

  1. 团队合作 & 沟通-作为跨学科医疗团队的一员,通过在客户护理的交付和管理中进行有效的沟通.
  2. 专业 & 领导力-结合专业标准和实践范围,作为一名证书执业护士,同时在法律范围内追求专业成长, 道德, 监管框架.
  3. 以客户为中心的关怀——为客户提供符合文化的关怀,同时促进他们的自我决定和诚信.
  4. 循证实践 & 护理 Judgment - Utilize the nursing process, 科学, and clinical reasoning to provide quality evidencedbased client care.
  5. 质量改进 & 安全-采用基于证据的决策来提供安全有效的客户护理,并评估客户的结果.
  6. 信息学-利用适当的技术来有效地沟通和管理客户服务的信息. 实践护理课程要求的所有课程必须至少以“C”通过。.
In addition to the program-specific requirements, please see the general graduation requirements for CTE programs.

生物学220 |解剖学 & 生理学I L/L | 4学分
生物学221 |解剖学 & 生理学II L/L | 4学分
ENGL 110 | College 作文我 | 3 credits
NURS 120 | Foundations of 护理 | 3 credits
NURS 121 | Practical 护理 I | 3 credits
NURS 122 | Clinical Practice I | 3 credits
NURS 124 | Clinical Practice II | 3 credits
NURS 126 | Clinical Practice III | 3 credits
NURS 127 | Practical 护理 II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical 护理 | 2 credits
NURS 129 | Practical 护理 III | 3 credits
NURS 145 | Introduction to Maternal-Child 护理 | 2 credits
PHRM 215 | Introduction to Pharmacology | 3 credits
PSYC 111 | 心理学概论 | 3 credits
PSYC 250 | 发展心理学 | 3 credits
UNIV 100 |大学策略1学分 OR UNIV 101 | College Transitions | 1 credit

视图 课程描述.

Upon completion of the 11-month program, students will be eligible for a Certificate in Practical 护理.

Students must have a NDUS e-mail account and access to reliable high speed internet. Some course components may be offered in an online format. Classes will be presented using a variety of technology. Students must complete the 43 credits, passing each class with a minimum of a "C", with a 2.75 GPA或以上.

Clinical experiences are supervised by 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 nursing faculty. Clinical experiences will be provided at CHI St. Alexius-Williston, 当地的诊所, Bethel Lutheran 护理 and Rehabilitation Center, 詹姆斯敦的州立医院, ND, 在其他指定的位置.

护理部门提供了通过替代方法验证学生实现特定课程目标的机会. 护理 faculty will review each situation on an individual basis. For further information, contact the 护理 Program Director.



达科他护理副学士学位课程设计为1+1护理课程,第一年的完成符合实际护理证书的要求,第二年的完成符合AAS护理学位的要求. 学生必须是具有不受阻碍的美国执照的LPN或在完成达科他实用护理计划的最后过程中. The Dakota Associate Degree 护理 curriculum prepares individuals with the knowledge, 能力, 以及通过应用护理过程独立实践护理的技能,在各种环境中为个人和家庭提供安全的护理. 项目完成后, 该个人有资格申请参加国家注册护士执照考试, as required by the North Dakota State Board of 护理 for licensure as a RN.

就业 opportunities include acute care centers, 长期护理设施, 诊所, 门诊办公室, 行业, 以及社区机构. 毕业生可以将在副学士学位课程中获得的许多学分转入护理学士学位课程. 达科他副学士护理课程由四所学院合作提供:俾斯麦州立学院, 湖区州立大学, 波蒂诺达科塔学院, 和冰球突破豪华版游戏下载州立学院. 

For current Dakota Practical 护理 Students:
  1. 成功完成达科他护理项目第一年的学习,GPA不低于2分.75 in all prerequisite and program courses.
  2. Proof of current CPR training for health care providers.
  3. 在指定日期前提交护理部门提供的适当表格.
  4. Successful completion of the preadmission examination.
  1. 毕业于国家委员会批准的正规学院的执业医师课程,目前的执业医师有活跃的, 在美国作为执业护士的无阻碍执业执照.
  2. Proof of current CPR training for health care providers.
  3. 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载录取, as well as completion of a formal application to the Dakota Associate Degree 护理 Program. Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the ADN program. 达科他大学护理副学士课程的入学申请表可从www获得.dakotanursing.org.
  4. Successful completion of the preadmission examination.
  5. 完成以下课程, 每个人的成绩都在“C”以上, 总平均成绩不低于2分.75:
    a. 英语110大学作文
    b. 心理学导论
    c. 生物学220解剖学 & 生理学I L/L
    d. 生物学221解剖学 & 生理学ⅱL/L*
    e. PHRM 215药理学导论*
    f. PSYC 250发展心理学*
    g. UNIV 100学院策略或UNIV 101学院转型由大学顾问决定
    * Must be within seven years of ADN admission
  6. 最低绩点2.75 in all prerequisite and program requirements, 通过所有必修课程,成绩不低于“C”,总累积GPA不低于2分.5或以上.
  7. For those of whom English is not their native language (including international and/or U.S. 居民), 成功通过托福考试必须满足额外的语言能力要求.
The 招生 Committee will review the application and qualifications of each individual. All applicants must pass a background check and drug screen.

Students will be notified of their acceptance status.

  1. 团队合作 & 沟通-作为跨学科医疗团队的一员,通过在客户护理的交付和管理中进行有效的沟通.
  2. 专业 & 领导力-结合专业标准和实践范围,作为一名证书执业护士,同时在法律范围内追求专业成长, 道德, 监管框架.
  3. 以客户为中心的关怀——为客户提供符合文化的关怀,同时促进他们的自我决定和诚信.
  4. 循证实践 & 护理 Judgment - Utilize the nursing process, 科学, and clinical reasoning to provide quality evidencedbased client care.
  5. 质量改进 & 安全-采用基于证据的决策来提供安全有效的客户护理,并评估客户的结果.
  6. 信息学-利用适当的技术来有效地沟通和管理客户服务的信息. 实践护理课程要求的所有课程必须至少以“C”通过。.
In addition to the program-specific requirements, please see the general graduation requirements for CTE programs.

生物学220 |解剖学 & 生理学I L/L | 4学分
生物学221 |解剖学 & 生理学II L/L | 4学分
ENGL 110 | College 作文我 | 3 credits
NURS 120 | Foundations of 护理 | 3 credits
NURS 121 | Practical 护理 I | 3 credits
NURS 122 | Clinical Practice I | 3 credits
NURS 124 | Clinical Practice II | 3 credits
NURS 126 | Clinical Practice III | 3 credits
NURS 127 | Practical 护理 II: Introduction to Medical-Surgical 护理 | 2 credits
NURS 129 | Practical 护理 III | 3 credits
NURS 145 | Introduction to Maternal-Child 护理 | 2 credits
PHRM 215 | Introduction to Pharmacology | 3 credits
PSYC 111 | 心理学概论 | 3 credits
PSYC 250 | 发展心理学 | 3 credits
UNIV 100 | College Strategies | 1 credit OR UNIV 101 | College Transitions | 1 credit

视图 课程描述.

Upon completion of the second year, students will be eligible for an AAS degree.

Students must have a NDUS e-mail account and reliable high-speed internet. Some course components may be offered in an online format. Classes will be presented using a variety of technology.

Clinical experiences are supervised by 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 nursing faculty. Clinical experiences will be provided at CHI St. 科健康-Williston, 各种当地诊所, 西北人文服务中心, 上密苏里地区卫生单位, 以及其他指定地点.

护理部门提供了通过替代方法验证学生实现特定课程目标的机会. 护理 faculty will review each situation on an individual basis. For further information, contact the 护理 Program Director.


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